Topics: My demon cat is stealing my soul, underwater basket-weaving and Mohawked snowmen - GO!
Since my son was about six years old he has said "when my dad dies, I'm getting a cat!" He loves cats. His dad does not. Every time my kids have brought up the idea of a cat, their dad has shut them down with excuses. Bottom line: he hates cats. My son is ten now and his older sister is nineteen. They conspired, compiled money and
in June, despite their dad's grumblings, Frankie the Siamese kitten came home. (The Demon Cat as my friend calls him) It turns out the boy didn't have to wait until his dad died, so that's good. And it turns out that cat sure does love daddy!
It was seven years ago that my boy and his dad created this mohawked snowman in our front yard. It was created to look like our friend that sports a mohawk and usually has a Pabst Blue Ribbon in his hand. They were so proud of this creation! Every year now our snowmen have mohawks.
So how do I tie this all together?
Well, Christmas isn't what I want it to be. It's kinda like my husband having a cat despite his wishes. Truth is - Christmas hasn't been the same since my grandma passed away. With each passing year, I find myself a little less "in the spirit." At one point my home had seven Christmas trees. Now, I struggle to get up the one. I would love for my house to be decked the way it always used to be, but I just don't have time or even the want to make it happen. I'd love to say that the demon cat is stealing my soul, but this problem existed way before Frankie.
As I age, winter is dragging me down. I love building snowmen (especially cute ones with mohawks!) I love sledding, ice skating, seeing the Christmas lights. But I dislike the cold, the lack of sun, and the darkness. Through this season I just feel like I don't measure up to all the pretty cards I've received, the homes of friends that are beautifully decorated, or all the bake goods that fill my Facebook feed. It seems that everywhere, but my house, people are making fantastic Christmas memories. On most days, I feel like taking up underwater basket-weaving would be easier than trying to fulfill all the Christmas expectations that I have for myself, not to mention the demands of others.
So topics escape me right now and I turn to my friends for inspiration! My demon cat is stealing my soul while I ponder basket-weaving underwater with mohawked snowmen! You see, we aren't alone! We may feel that way, but truth is, we all struggle. We all, at some point, secretly feel as if we don't measure up. In the times where I struggle, I try my best to reach out to friends. I depend on relationships to perk me up! I look to my friends and my family to make me laugh, to make me smile, to show me love and let me show them love. Christmas is different and I'm learning to be okay with that.
All I can say is I understand. You captured my relationship with Christmas perfectly. I'm not faking it too well this year, and every day, the weight on my chest seems to get heavier. Oh how I wish it was different!