Wednesday, August 30, 2017
On Love, Nashville and Imperfect Words
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Pastor Without A ...
Thursday, April 27, 2017
A profession
When someone hasn't put years of blood, sweat and tears or about $200K of their own money into working towards a professional/personal/spiritual goal or spent over 10 yrs fighting for equal footing in a field dominated by men, it's really easy to suggest not caring or worrying, or walking away because it doesn't matter because there are lots of jobs out there.
It matters. What I do is not a hobby to just be set aside. It is a profession like a lawyer or doctor and warrants just as much education and preparation. It is a call. It is my profession and vocation. I have poured my life into in ways I cannot even measure.
The road has been hard. I have had to die to so many of my own ideas/wants. I have had to submit to people/programs/policies that I haven't 100% agreed with or enjoyed. I've had to wait longer than my male colleagues. I've had to jump through, not just the hoops all male pastors do, but extra hoops held 10 ft higher and lit on fire and then lick my own wounds acquired from the burns...despite all matters.
The call of God on my life matters and it is worth the fight!
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Can We Stop Being Judgmental Pricks?
Monday, February 20, 2017
Psalm 54

David's words are human. They are sadly normal to the human condition. They are the words that each and every one of us mumble when we are in pain or when being attacked. We all utter curses when we are uncomfortable, when we are being maligned, or when things aren't going our way. I can identify with that and I can intellectually admit that David was lamenting and even word-vomiting to God, an ancient form of journaling to express his inward emotions - a coping mechanism for the drama of his life.
What is true is that God does rescue from trouble. God is our help, but His help almost never comes in the way we expect or anticipate. He is faithful; even in our unfaithfulness. Jesus calls us to love our enemies. It's a high calling, but our enemies are also made in the very image of God. As we lament our enemies, it's completely possible that they lament their enemies (us) to the very same God and Creator. He is faithful to those who call upon His name.
Perhaps we should love and pray for our enemies, not to change, but to draw close to their Creator? Perhaps we should speak blessings and not curses? Perhaps becoming more like Jesus means we make space for our enemies at His table? I fail at this often. I must try better.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Making Excuses
Monday, February 13, 2017
A Hardened Heart
Sunday, January 22, 2017
I Am Fearful
I had to stop and think for a second because her perspective is just as valid as mine. She sees me differently than I see myself and both of our views are real, true experiences; so somewhere in the middle has to be a Truth that acknowledges both realities.

Here's the thing. Every day I am fearful. I am fearful about what people will think of me. I'm fearful that I won't be enough. I'm fearful that I will mess up. I am fearful that I...I...I...and this brings me to a realization - most of our fears are about ourselves. They are about our own comfortability or our own pride. On any given day, the fears that come to my mind are always about me. If I fear a change in my job, the fear is of what it means for me. If I fear losing my home, the fear surrounds what I'm gonna do. Fear is a me problem.
My friend was right. Fear paralyzes us. We remain in the crappiest of situations because we fear change, because it easier to stay the same than to change. What my friends sees as lack of fear in me, I guess I would see as fear under submission. Let me explain.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Same Old, Same Old

Monday, January 9, 2017
The Lights of Vegas
Matthew 5:14-16