"Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you." ~ Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was not perfect. Sainthood is not about perfection. It is about faithfulness. This book reveals struggles that she had, but more than anything it reveals her heart for G-d and for people. It reveals her faithfulness in such a humble way.
In today's western Christianity, as much as we say it is not about numbers, the reality is that it is. As a pastor, I go to conferences, meet new people, and the first question is always how big is your church? How many people attend on a Sunday? Numbers are the proverbial pissing fight and the person with the largest count gets to pat themselves on the back as the day's success story. We justify this with quick comebacks, like "each number is a soul for Christ." Numbers matter in religion because the belief is that numbers pay the bills. And there's some truth to that, but it's not really how the Kingdom of G-d works.
What if all of it is bull? What if Mother Teresa is right? What if we are never to worry about numbers, but instead just love the person next to us? What if keeping buildings doesn't matter? What if the latest technology doesn't matter? What if all that matters is the people in your life? What if all the mess of world was redeemable through simply loving our neighbor as ourself?
One woman who dared to ask these questions and had the audacity to look at the one in her care, changed the world for thousands and left a shockwave of compassion in her trail. She was a trailblazer! A pioneer! A faithful follower of G-d...following Him into the gutters of India with courage and humility to help and serve the one nearest her.
In my world, I needed this reminder. My role is not about numbers, but it is about loving those in my care. My struggles are real, as they were for Mother Teresa, but I find rest from those cares in pouring my life into the people whom G-d loves passionately. I needed a reminder to just love G-d with all that I got, and love others with His help.
May Mother Teresa's life be an inspiration to us all to live faithfully to the call of love! And may we be reminded that the one in front of us is enough.
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